Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Friends and otherboringstuffthatImsoboredofbutwanttotellyouguysanyway!

     Hey guys! I hope you can read the title of this one - It's very long with only 2 spaces - because other wise you won't know what I'm blubbering on about... Any way -

     I have made a reasonable amount of friends this past week. There's Charlie, Georgia, Chloe, Melow (Amelia) - please bare in mind here that I cant spell to save my life, and I am really sorry if you are in this list and your name is misspelt - and a bunch of other people I can't remember the names of, because I'm rubbish with names.

     More than I am used to of boring work that wastes my time and life because the teachers aren't bothered to teach me it in class.

     A boring time waster - most of the time. Basically, teachers teach you these things that you will most probably never use again or need to know, and they don't teach you about real life ATALL. Respect though, because if you want to be Einstein 2.0  then you will probably need to know the things they teach you, but if you just want to be a surgeon you do not need to know how Henry VIII had 6 wives or how when salt mixes with water the particles combine, do we? Yes, you will need some of the knowledge, but for most of it you go to class, learn stuff, leave class, forget everything useful.

     No, I am not joking. My mum is literally my friend's form tutor. She tells the whole form everything about me and my sister, and embarrasses me loads. I do love her, but come on mum! She does let me use her office for my PE KIT DUFFEL BAG that she bought me, so it is kind of useful having her just down a few corridors all day.

     I think that's a wrap people! See ya soon!

           Emzy xx